
Aliya Electronic Provide  Services
  • AC  Services & Instalation
  • Car AC 
  • Microwave Ovan  Services
  • Geysers Repairing  Services
  • CC TV Camera & Sales &  Services

Aliya Electronic

Aliya Electronic use the latest technology to fully load test and function test your equipment to ensure you get back a fully repaired and tested unit. We replace common failure components as well as components out of tolerance, so we are able to warranty every repair with a full 18 month in-service warranty. And, because we stock thousands of parts in house, we can have your repaired and tested unit back to you most every time in just 1 to 5 days. In addition, you can turn to us for the sale of new, surplus and refurbished equipment, we even stock thousands of obsolete units!
Your Aliya Advantage:

  • In-House Repair Service
  • 18 Month In-Service Warranty
  • 1-5 Day Standard Turnaround
  • Free 24-48 Hour Rush Service
  • 10% Price Guarantee
  • Free Evaluations
  • Full Load Testing

Your facility will be able to eliminate downtime and reduce costs that historically have been seen in the industrial service and repair industry.